
Daphné Keraudren (FR/GR - 1995) is an architect trained in Switzerland (EPFL), Paris and Amsterdam.
Based in Brussels since 2021, she works as a freelance architect and collaborates with Ateliers J&J. She investigates aspects of architecture that are ignored, 'forbidden' or neglected because of their social, economic and political context.
Since 2020, she has been working on a series of sur-mesure structures for public spaces in cities such as Athens, Amsterdam and Brussels. These tubular metal series are designed to be installed or suspended from each city’s existing infrastructure. They enable a new experience and perspective on the city and its use, questioning the appropriation of public space and a large number of legal and urban planning issues. With their unusual locations and shapes, they are designed as a new playground (for adults).


FRAME MAGAZINE - issue 156: (03/04/2024)

: “daphné keraudren - In luftiger Höhe” (06/10/2023)

DESIGNBOOM ESPANA: “los asientos colgantes de metal de daphné keraudren desafìan las reglas de la arquitectura en los endificios pùblicos” (26/7/2023)

DESIGNBOOM: “daphné keraudren's metal hung seats challenge the norms of architecture in public buildings” (25/7/2023)

BLOG ESPRIT DESIGN: “Les design-hacks urbains de Daphné Keraudren” (25/7/2023)

ISOLA DESIGN: “Design in Public Spaces: creativity and expertise for a community” (26/6/2023)

DEARCHITECT: «Vijf architectonisch verantwoorde zitobjecten voor buiten » (13/7/2023)

LE VIF WEEKEND: « Les Ateliers J&J passent au jardin, à Saint Gilles » (24/6/2022)

OUEST-FRANCE: « À Ploumanac'h, un salon de thé intriguait Le Corbusier » (02/3/2017)
“BOTCH N°2” - La Corvée, Paris
“Exposition N°5” - Alsemberg110, Brussels

“BOTCH N°1”, Brussels
“Nouvelles Tribus x Nouveaux usages” - Le French Design, Paris

“Exposition N°2” - Alsemberg110, Brussels
“Exposition N°2 bis” - Alsemberg110, Brussels

“Sandberg Graduation” - Het Hem, Amsterdam
“Finally things are happening” - SIS, Amsterdam
“De Wallen gehackt N°2” - self initiative, Amsterdam
“Turn off the light when you leave” - SIS, Amsterdam

“SIS stops” - SIS, Amsterdam
“PUB Radio” - Het Hem, Amsterdam
“De Wallen gehackt N°1” - self initiative, Amsterdam
“Agora” - L. Jaffuel Studio, Athens

“MAP 2019” - EPFL, Lausanne